DE - Currently the second most popular ccTLD in terms of registrations, after .CN is the first. The DE domain ranks third after COM and CN among all TLDs. There are over 16,000,000 registered names in the DE domain.

The DE domain control panel allows you to change domain contacts, configure NS, create Glue Records, renew a domain. If the domain zone is not properly configured in DNS before submitting the registration order, the domain will be registered without any name servers. On the site, you can check the domain and its DNS for correct DNS settings . You can determine that a DE domain has DNS problems using whois. For a domain with correctly configured DNS - Status: connect, for a problem domain - Status: failed
You can buy a DE domain for up to 10 years. An order to renew a DE domain registration must be submitted no later than 5 days before the registration expiration date. If this is not done, the domain will be automatically deleted and the status will change to redemptionPeriod (duration 30 days). Restoring a DE domain from redemptionPeriod is possible, the price of restoration is 120 euros (1 year extension included). Check with our support team for the possibility of restoring a DE domain.
DE domain benefits
- Many free to register, beautiful domains;
- Good indexing by search engines;
- Ideal for resources of various topics;
- The domain name is familiar and equally easy to hear by site visitors.
More information about the DE domain
- DE Registration Policies
- DE Dispute Resolution Policy
- Whois DE
- Connect to our telegram bot @domainhelper_bot so you don't miss the renewal of your important domain.