FR is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) in the Internet Domain Name System for France. It is administered by AFNIC. In the FR domain, registration is available for individuals and organizations registered with the French Association of Internet Users and Cooperation (AFNIC). For customers from Ukraine and other countries, the price of FR domain registration includes the service Local presence (Local representation). To date, more than 3,800,000 names have been registered in the FR domain.
The FR domain control panel allows you to configure NS, create Glue Records, and renew your domain.
You can buy an FR domain for up to 1 year. An FR domain registration renewal order must be submitted no later than 5 days prior to the expiration date. If this is not done, the domain will be automatically deleted and the status will change to redemptionPeriod. FR domain restoration from redemptionPeriod is possible, the price of restoration is 120 euros (1 year extension included). Ask our support team about the possibility of restoring a FR domain.
FR Domain Benefits
- Many free domains to register;
- Good indexing by search engines;
- Ideal for resources of various topics;
- The domain name is familiar and equally easy to hear by site visitors.
Additional information about the FR domain
- FR Registration Policies
- Whois FR
- Connect to our telegram bot @domainhelper_bot so you don't miss the renewal of your important domain.