Sectigo EV Code Signing SSL

Sectigo EV Code Signing SSL - The highest level of trust and security for your code. Guaranteed company identification and protection against falsification. Sign your files with confidence and increase user confidence in your software.


Price/year: 19278 ₴

  • Instant issuance
  • 24/7 support
  • Domain with www and without

Additional information about the SSL certificate

Sectigo EV Code Signing SSL Certificates provide the highest level of trust and security for digital signatures. The Sectigo brand is a recognized leader in the field of cybersecurity, with a wealth of experience and professionalism. Formerly known as Comodo, the brand has been rebranded to Sectigo in order to strengthen its position in the market and provide its customers with even more reliable security and safety solutions.

Sectigo EV Code Signing SSL Buyer Benefits:

  • Trust Level: This certificate provides Extended Validation (EV) as evidenced by a green address bar in the browser, increasing the level of trust among users.
  • Identification: Sectigo performs rigorous legality and identity checks on your company to ensure that the files you sign are trusted.
  • Digital signatures: The certificate provides protection against tampering and modification of code or software.
  • Ease of use: Installing and using the certificate is simple and convenient.

What is EV Code Signing SSL and how is it different from regular Code Signing SSL?

EV Code Signing SSL differs from regular Code Signing SSL in that it provides Extended Validation (EV) that guarantees the user the highest level of trust in the signed file or software. With the help of the green address bar in the browser, the user will be able to easily determine that the file was signed by a legitimate and trusted company.

Sectigo EV Code Signing SSL Registration Time:

The average registration time for Sectigo EV Code Signing SSL is approximately 1-5 business days. This process includes checking the legitimacy and authenticity of your company to ensure a high level of trust among users.

Sectigo EV Code Signing SSL Certificate Features and Usage Example:

The Sectigo EV Code Signing SSL Certificate provides extensive protection for your software and files. Usage example:

// Code signing using Sectigo EV Code Signing SSL $ signtool sign /f "Path_to_your_certificate.pfx" /p "Your_password" /tr "" /td sha256 "Path_to_your_file.exe"

With Sectigo EV Code Signing SSL, your code and files will be protected from tampering and modification, and user confidence in your software will increase due to the high level of verification and protection provided by this certificate.