SMIME Mailbox Validation trict (MVS)

CPAC (Comodo Personal Authentification Certificate) is the next generation of SMIME/Email certificates, as now, it is possible to protect Emails, Sign documents and enable two-factor authentification. We highly suggest to protect yourself against interception of personal messages sent to your partners and customers.


Price/year: 882 ₴

  • Validation -
  • Issuance time -
  • Free Reissues - No
  • Warranty - -
  • Free Site Seal - No
  • Browser compatibility -
  • Secure sub-domains - No
  • Unlimited server licensing - No
  • Contract for Companies

  • Instant issuance
  • 24/7 support
  • Domain with www and without

Additional information about the SSL certificate

CPAC Basic SSL certificates are security certificates provided under the Sectigo brand. Sectigo is a global leader in digital certificates and cybersecurity. Sectigo was renamed from Comodo in 2019 to better reflect its leadership and commitment to providing a high degree of protection and trust in the internet security industry.

CPAC, which stands for "Certificate Policy Authentication and Certificate", is an authentication program that allows you to efficiently manage and authenticate digital certificates. CPAC Basic certificates provide a basic level of authentication that verifies the true person or organization behind a domain or email address.

SMIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a security standard that provides encryption and digital signature for email. SMIME/Email certificates are used to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of emails and to verify the identity of the sender.

Brief instructions for using SMIME/Email certificates:

  • Purchase a certificate: Order a SMIME/Email certificate from a trusted provider, which is, make sure it meets your needs and requirements.
  • Certificate installation: Follow the instructions provided by the vendor to install the certificate on the email server or on your personal device.
  • Export/Import: If you want to use the same certificate on multiple devices, export it from one device and import it on another.
  • Email Encryption: To send encrypted emails, specify a recipient who also has an SMIME/Email certificate. This will ensure the secure transfer of information and prevent unauthorized access to content.
  • Digital signature: To digitally sign an email, specify your SMIME/Email certificate as the sender. This will help recipients verify that the email was actually sent by you and that it hasn't been modified in transit.

With Sectigo's CPAC Basic certifications and the correct use of SMIME/Email certificates, you can ensure the security and trust of your electronic communications, which is especially important in today's digital world.