Domains in Ukrainian

Company "Center of Internet names in Ukraine» ( ) - The first Ukrainian registrar Ukrainian and Russian domains in. COM,. NET,. TV,. CC,. SU

in September 2008. Company «Center of Internet names Ukraine» the first in Ukraine beginning registration of Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) in the zones. COM,. NET,. TV,. CC,. SU. Domain names that are of the national character, popular in many countries around the world, including China, Japan, Korea, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, India and the Arab world. Number of TLD zones In which you can register IDN is constantly expanding. Now for all users portal became available record of the Ukrainian-Russian domains in COM,. NET,. TV,. CC,. SU.

When you register a domain name in Russian would look like or depending on the chosen domain zone. When registering for the Ukrainian nazva.som or respectively.

Access to Internet resources through such domains is supported by most modern browsers including MS Internet Explorer 7. The cost of registering IDN names in these areas, and the same conditions of their administration are no different from the usual domain with Latin symbols.

Examples of working IDN resources in Russian include the following address:


The increasing popularity of Ukrainian-Russian domains in Russia and Ukraine is connected with increasing penetration of Internet access. For the vast majority of new users use their native language for addressing resources is quite natural. Ukrainian-and Russian-language domain is an excellent addition to the primary domain in the areas of . COM,. NET,. TV,. CC,. SU, allowing the owner of the web-resource users do not miss out on gaining the site address Russian letters. This is particularly relevant for those domains whose Latin writing is graphically similar to writing in Cyrillic.

"Center of Ukrainian Internet Names" new Ukrainian registrar of domain names since 2007.

on its portal «Center of Internet names in Ukraine", the company provides a range of new and unique services, along with the traditional registration and management of domains, free DNS service WHOIS convenient interface and other useful services.